“Eliyana Abraham and an able cast work hard to elicit the texture within Park’s piece. Abraham understands the play’s various notes, including that is gives you no one to root for, and accentuates comic bits and nuances to keep ‘Peerless’ entertaining and to provide some suspense about whether one character or another will have the nerve to carry out his or her reprehensible plan.”
- Neal Zoren, US1
“With Peerless, PST closes its season with a play that examines relevant cultural issues from a fresh perspective, while entertaining the audience with some lively characterizations and a slick production that manages to simultaneously belie and reinforce the piece’s dark undercurrent.”
- Donald Sanborn, Town Topics
Meet the cast
of Peerless by Jiehae Park!
Asian-American twins M and L have given up everything to get into The College. So when D, a one-sixteenth Native American classmate, gets “their” spot instead, they figure they’ve got only one option: kill him. Peerless is a darkly comedic take on Shakespeare’s Macbeth about the very ambitious and the cut-throat world of high school students when it comes time for college admissions.
“Peerless” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. www.concordtheatricals.com