Granny’s Home: A Fairy Tale Mystery

Written by John Venegas Juarez

July 12th- August 3rd

Dir. John Venegas Juarez

Step into the Enchanted World of “Granny's Home”!

Come along for an exciting voyage into a world where mysteries unfold and fairytales emerge. Tragedy has struck at the heart of the enchanted forest: Granny's home is now nothing but ashes. But don't worry, Detective Chez, the most cleverest mouse detective you'll ever meet, is on the case. He interrogates four unique suspects: Mr. Bread, the gingerbread man with a score to settle, Little Red Riding Hood, Granny's granddaughter, and Hansel and Gretel, the bearers of Granny’s secret.

As Detective Chez unravels their motives, and uncovers Granny's secrets, tensions rise as everyone asks themselves: Who set Granny's Home ablaze? Find out by purchasing your tickets today!

Show Times:

Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 11 AM